Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Best Part of the Day

I've always been a big fan of the little things, or as a trite piece of Cracker Barrel Store wall art might say, "Enjoying Life's Small Pleasures."

Chances are good that you fall into one of the following categories if you're reading this blog:
1. You're a twenty-to-thirtysomething young professional in an entry/mid-level job that you tolerate but don't love.
2. You're in grad school, hoping to eventually get a job
3. You're between jobs for whatever reason, and can't decide which way to go next.

Whichever category you fall in to, I bet we all have something in common; there are little things that we look forward to each day that make the not-so-good parts bearable. I don't necessarily think that the key to enjoying life is seeing the good in everything. I think the real richness of every day comes out when we string together all the little things--the good stuff--and recognize that not every minute of life is going to be awesome.

You know what I look forward to? Coffee every morning.

Coffee never changes. Coffee never disappoints. When people ask me if I'm addicted to coffee, I have a hard time answering because in addition to having a chemical dependency (which I do), I am also emotionally dependent on the minutes associated with "coffee time." Coffee Time has meant something different at every stage of my life, but at every stage, it has been my favorite moment of the day. In college it was the moments I spent walking to my early-morning classes (which I always had, thanks to Accounting) with my mug in hand, enjoying my beautiful campus at a time when everyone else was still asleep or maybe passed out in a nearby church parking lot behind West End. I loved Coffee during my post-grad days when I lived at home. My mom and dad ALWAYS have coffee together and would make a special point to grab my favorite creamer when I came home so I could enjoy coffee in the mornings with them. I enjoyed it when I lived with Matt, and the two of us would just sit and talk before having to get up and get ready for work. Now that I'm back at home for another week or two until I move downtown, this morning routine has become even more important. I love waking up 45 minutes before I have to get ready and enjoying some leisurely coffee while chatting with my parents. In a few weeks when I'm all moved in I'll have to make a NEW routine... that's a little jarring, actually!

So what's YOUR favorite moment of the day? Do you read before bed? Do you call a friend or family member? What parts of the day do you most look forward to?

No right or wrong answers, here. No copying your neighbors. Eyes on your own work.

Happy Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. I love right before I go to bed when I am winding down from the day and watch TV in bed. Sometimes it's a show I'm watching on DVD or sometimes it's whatever is on TV. I love the solitude and knowing the day is over and that I can look forward to sleep:)
