Not-So-Frequently Asked Questions...
Why do you blog?
What an unexpected question...
See, I love to write; I enjoy all manners of wit, cynicism, wordplay, and literary tomfoolery. I firmly believe that if you love to do something, you should just do it. Also, reading the blogs of others makes for most enlightening food for thought. Those times when you realize that someone else is having the same experience as you? Warm fuzzies. It doesn't even bother me that most of my conversations about my blog go something like this...
Elyse: "Hey, I updated my blog today!!1!! I did this post? About neo-feminism and Lean Cuisine commercials? And--"
Audience: ::rolls eyes::
Elyse: "NO, it's really cool... I'm up to 23 page views already this week! Plus 3 comments, and a spammer trying to advertise low-cost Cialis and Levitra. So anyway, about my blog--"
Audience: ::pretends to get a phone call:: "Sorry, I have to take this...I've been playing phone-tag with Tarronda from DirecTV for days..."
Elyse: "Oh okay. The link is on my Facebook!1!!"
What's on your iPod?
If I could name a CD after everything on my iPod, it would be called "NOW That's what I Call Schizophrenia!" I listen to everything. From Ke$ha to obscure Jimmy Buffett to Les Miserables, I run the gamut from "she obviously listens to the radio" to "what is she, 67?" Can't get into Coldplay, though. Sorry about it.
What do you like?
Weekends, my friends' blogs, writing, volunteering, my Jeep, running, good lighting, Christmas, Pottery Barn, sandwiches.
What do you dislike?
Bad grammar. Bad lighting. Ignorance.
Do you have merchandise available?
Do you look like anyone I would know?
I've gotten this person...
I'm guessing the one without the perm...
And inexplicably...